Nytt Bryggeri: Little Brother Brewery
Et bryggerie startet av to australske brødre er ikke helt hverdagslig, og selv om Cameron snakker og skrive norsk har han valgt å bruke engelsk i sine svar til oss. For å hindre at noe forsvinner i oversettelsen lar vi de engelske svarene stå.

Hvem står bak bryggeriet?
Little Brother Brewery was founded by Australian born brothers Andrew and Cameron Manson. After years of combined travel and beer exploration we decided to open nano-brewery, Little Brother Brewery. Currently head brewer Cameron resides in Oslo, Norway and brother Andrew, Brisbane, Australia who will soon take a larger role in the operations of the brewery.
Når starter dere med brygging?
We started brewing as two poor university students. While studying at University of Queensland and living in a collective money was scarce. As we both enjoyed drinking nice beers but could rarely afford them we decided to start brewing. Our chosen location was the apartment’s laundry. Fellow housemates would often find brothers Andrew and Cameron concocting recipes and filling bottles on a Sunday afternoon.
Hvilket marked satser dere på?
We are very lucky here in Oslo to have a thriving and developing craft beer scene. More and more restaurants and bars are looking to extend the size of their beer lists. Norwegians are also beginning to open their mind to different beer varieties and flavors. We hope to work together with small innovative bars and restaurants and help contribute to local culture and local produce. Our market is anyone that appreciates quality craft beer and people that are interested in supporting small local business. We also hope to support other small business by using local products such a honey.
Hva er målet? Nasjonalt eller bare lokalt og hvordan er distribusjonen tenkt?
Oslo is our backyard. And a great backyard for beer lovers. In the beginning we are going to concentrate on marketing and selling our products here in Oslo. Once we are somewhat established we can look at selling our beers at a national scale. I think our dream would to also one day open a Little Brother Brewery in Brisbane, Australia. We are also striving to be an environmentally friendly business. For distribution within Oslo we hope to use Christiania Bikes such as this one (external link)
Hva tenker dere om at det starter opp ett nytt bryggeri nesten hver måned?
We love that craft beer is taking off here in Norway. I watch peoples drinking patterns when out on the town and see that people are becoming adventures when buying beer, often trying a different beer each time they are at the bar. I think that there is still space in the market but we know that our products will have to shine to become noticed. We are all about innovation, tradition and quality at Little Brother Brewery and hope that this will be perceived through our products. Strong competition will give us the drive to be innovative and to push the envelope.
Har dere en klart definert profil?
We are currently working on our IPA beer label and finding a branding image that suits our business. We are a small batch brewery providing quality, hand crafted beers. Our beers are crafty. We make beer for the connoisseur and craft beer lover and not the masses.
Hva blir den første ølen fra dere?
We are playing it somewhat safe for our first core beer because the style has become very quickly an Oslo favorite. Our first beer will be a hop forward IPA or India Pale Ale. This beer will provide huge fruit flavors and aroma from the copious amount of American, New Zealand and Australia Hops. Expect to find Grapefruit, passion fruit, mango and citrus notes. To represent our homeland in this Ipa we are dry hopping with Australian Galaxy. A fantastic hop that provides Little Bother’s IPA with a punchy passion fruit aroma. We also hope to soon release a Wheat Ale and some ‘one-off’ beers.
Hva skal dere gjøre for å skille dere ut fra mengden?
Our small scale lets us experiment with a wide range of beer styles with little financial risk. We hope to, in addition to our core range, have a variety of one off beers. These may include imperial beers, oak aged beers, fruit beers. We also intend on working closely with local cultural events. This may mean working on a collaboration beer for an event etc. We also want to support other local businesses like ours. For example, we are currently working on a honey wheat ale recipe and are in the process of selecting a local honey from the local area. We are also working together with a local coffee roaster finding the perfect coffee and coffee brewing method for an imperial coffee stout.
Hvor stor er antatt produksjonsmengde første år?
Once we are up and running we a looking in the first year to produce 6000 liters.
Hvor store batcher lager dere?
We have what the Americans call a one barrel brewery (113 liters). One barrel is abbreviated as lbb which are the initials of our brewery. A nice touch we think. We plan on buying conical fermenters twice the size of our brewery and running back to back batches.
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