Inferno Beer Tasting


Legg til i kalender 13/04/2017 15:00 15/04/2017 16:00 Europe/Paris Inferno Beer Tasting We welcome you to this years beer tastings at Inferno. The beer tasting sessions takes place at the festival hotel Scandic St. Olavs plass. Nøgne Ø Det Kompromissløse Bryggeri A/S are teaming up with three Norwegian breweries and will give you exiting tastes of the northern beers; Learn, taste, compare and digg into those flavors and aromas. - Thursday 13. April: Nøgne Ø + Sagene Bryggeri - Friday 14. April: Nøgne Ø + Oslo Brewing Co. - Saturday 15. April: Nøgne Ø + Kinn The tastings starts at 15:00 HRS in the Suffløsen room, located in the basement of the hotel. Tickets costs NOK 200,- per tasting and are sold at the accreditation / info booth at the hotel. DD/MM/YYYY

We welcome you to this years beer tastings at Inferno.

The beer tasting sessions takes place at the festival hotel Scandic St. Olavs plass.

Nøgne Ø Det Kompromissløse Bryggeri A/S are teaming up with three Norwegian breweries and will give you exiting tastes of the northern beers; Learn, taste, compare and digg into those flavors and aromas.

– Thursday 13. April: Nøgne Ø + Sagene Bryggeri
– Friday 14. April: Nøgne Ø + Oslo Brewing Co.
– Saturday 15. April: Nøgne Ø + Kinn

The tastings starts at 15:00 HRS in the Suffløsen room, located in the basement of the hotel.

Tickets costs NOK 200,- per tasting and are sold at the accreditation / info booth at the hotel.
